
INTEC warmly welcomes you at our third annual meeting! This year, our annual meeting is organized by the team of Léonor Cancela and will take place in Faro, Portugal on September 12-13 2024. During this year’s meeting the masks will fall off as to whether calcification should be considered a friend or a foe in health and disease of patients. The local organizing committee has put together a titillating program for you to enjoy, with several esteemed experts in different aspects of calcification research and management as invited speakers. As usual, we have also reserved several presentation slots for early career researchers based on their abstract submissions. Because the workshop we organized during last year’s meeting was such a success, we have continued this tradition during the 2024 meeting with two exciting workshops on presentation skills and on science communication. Focussing on young researchers, the workshops are of course open to all interested to learn more about these topics. And talking about traditions: also this year there will be a meeting dinner followed by music and dance. In other words: there are many ways and opportunities to put your best foot forward during the 2024 INTEC annual meeting. We look forward to meeting you in Faro!

Léonor Cancela, on behalf of the Local Organizing Committee                                                                                                                                                                            Olivier Vanakker, INTEC Coordinator

Program & Abstract book


Download the (preliminary) program here and check for updates.


Check out the content of this workshop.


Check out the content of this workshop.


The meeting will take place in amphitheater 1.4 (meeting) and room 102 (workshop) of the Escola Superior de Educação e Comunicação (ESEC) of the University of the Algarve, Campus Da Penha, 8005-139 Faro, Portugal. We have listed some suggested accommodations, which you can find here.

Registration & abstract submission

Registration for the INTEC annual meeting is mandatory . As usual, registration is free for all INTEC members and their team. Travel and accommodation costs are reimbursed according to the INTEC guidelines. 

For non-members of INTEC, the registration cost for the meeting (including coffee breaks, dinner, dance and workshops) is 60€ for non-member masterstudents, PhD students and medical interns. For other non-member participants, the registration cost is 100€. 

The INTEC meeting was live-streamed

Sorry, too late to join us in Faro.

JOin our free
webinars !

Register for the next webinar on October 29th, 4 PM CET focussing Gla proteins, by Hervé Kempf.