International Network on Ectopic Calcification

INTEC aims to contribute to the advancement of scientific knowledge and unite international institutions' expertise around ectopic calcification.


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First announcement of the 2025 joint Ectopic Calcification Meeting.

In 2025, INTEC and ISSEC join forces to organize a joint Ectopic Calcification Meeting. This 3-day meeting will also incorporate the PXE Budapest meeting, the iSCCa meeting on vascular calcification and the BBC meeting on bone and cardiovascular biology. Stay tuned for more information on the program, abstract submission and registration via our channels in the coming weeks and months. Rendez-vous in Nancy, France for the largest ectopic calcification meeting yet!

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PXE Patiëntenmeeting 2024 in Gent

Op 15 mei 2024 organiseert het PXE Referentiecentrum Gent een nieuwe meeting voor PXE patiënten. Tijdens deze meeting zal ingegaan worden op nieuwe bevindingen en mogelijkheden van behandeling voor PXE. Daarnaast voorzien we ook voldoende tijd voor vragen en voor ontmoetingen en interactie tussen patiënten. Deelname is gratis, maar inschrijving is aangewezen!

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Upcoming meetings & events

10 December 2024
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Virtual event,

The INTEC Workshops are twice a year virtual events where INTEC members can present methodologies and research results relevant to the research milestones INTEC set out. This workshop is by […]

24 January 2025
2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Virtual event,

In alignment with the INTEC objectives, this meeting aims to unite patients’ organizations, researchers, and medical doctors to review and explain newly published research on diseases associated with ectopic calcification […]

13 May 2025
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Virtual event,
10 June 2025
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Virtual event,
24 September 2025
September 24, 2025 - September 26, 2026
Prouvé Conference Center, 1, Place de la République
Nancy, France

Join our network

INTEC is an open network that welcomes all stakeholders relevant for ectopic calcification in aging and disease. Do you feel that you can contribute to INTEC's aims and goals and that INTEC can help to connect with the ectopic calcification community? Then don't hesitate to contact us and to discuss you joining our network!

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webinars !

Register for the next webinar on November 12th, 4 PM CET focussing Gla proteins, by Catherine Shanahan.